Fiction - top 5 best film

5 лучших фантастических фильмов

5 the best science fiction films: unexplored worlds, new technologies, development and disaster. One side, is something fascinating and surprising, then what we are seeking and which so wish. But, on the other hand is, that makes manifest the dark again… Continue Reading


7 the strangest Hollywood stars

Звезды Голливуда и их странности

Hollywood stars and their strangeness: 7 Hollywood's oddest stars This is not very surprising, that among the famous people have a lot of eccentrics. After all, they have money and some freedom. Moreover, sometimes strangeness and uniqueness helps to become popular. 7 a place… Continue Reading


85 interesting facts about Hollywood movies

85 интересных фактов о голливудских фильмах

  And so, consider 85 interesting facts about Hollywood movies: Initially, the term "film" does not mean movies, and people, that they were taken. This term is generally used to contempt first Hollywood locals, who did not like the "invasion" of eastern residents. IN “Kshsm!” (2019),… Continue Reading